She (Widow) - Witnesses report this luscious
young woman was attacked and bitten on the right arm by her deceased husband.
It's still unclear how her dead lover returned to life in the first place
but it's still under investigation. She herself later returned from the
dead, only to get a shovel to the head. Dead on Arrival. |
Claudio Zamattio - Hit and killed by a bus
while driving his motorbike through the windy mountain roads. After analyzing
the skid marks from the bike, it's been determined he was speeding and
didn't have time to react to the oncoming bus. Multiple broken bones and
internal injuries found. Dead on Arrival. |
Valentina Scanarotti - Death occurred while
riding on the back of her lovers (above victims) motorbike. The front wheel
of the bus rolled over her upper torso causing her lungs to be crushed
and her head to be decapitated. She was the daughter of the towns mayor.
No other information. Dead on Arrival. |
4 Bikers - These four unfortunate souls died
along with the two above victims when they collided with a bus. Some injuries
include: broken bones, torn ligaments, severed limbs, missing teeth and
expelled organs. One of the bikers were dragged off the cliff when the
bus plunged off it. All dead on arrival. |
Bus of 37 Boy Scouts - These casualties died
during the crash that kill the above victims. The bus in which they were
traveling sped off a 170 ft. cliff, killing them instantly. Blunt force
trauma is the cause off all deaths. Other injuries include broken necks,
ruptured internal organs and a heart attack from the bus driver. All dead
on arrival. |
Katja Anton - Killed by a single bullet through
the forehead. One witness claims she had witnessed her boyfriend return
from the grave and she was allowing him to eat her. (Gnawing marks to the
arms and legs confirms this.) The cemeteries care taker, Francesco Dellamorte,
was the shooter. Dead on Arrival. |
7 Townspeople - All shot with a pistol. Bullet
fragments from the corpses suggests the bullets were hollow tipped or diced.
A Volkswagen Beetle was seen driving the streets around the time
of the murders. The vehicle was followed back to the cemetery where the
owner was questioned. No arrests yet. All dead on arrival. |
Mayor Scanarotti - Massive bite wounds to
the right hand side of the neck caused extreme bleeding from the local
major artery. Dental comparisons made with the victims deceased daughter
uncovered a match. It's still unclear how the bite wounds were caused by
his daughter considering she had been dead for days. Dead on Arrival. |
Miss Chiaromondo - Death caused by a thrombotic
stroke. In thrombotic stroke, a thrombus forming process develops in the
affected artery and gradually the thrombus—built up clot—narrows the lumen
of the artery and impedes blood flow to distal tissue. She was known as
a loyal visitor to the local cemetery. Dead on Arrival. |
She (Prostitute) - Fire investigators tell
us the fire that killed this young woman started from a portable heater.
The heater was placed on a bed, near the back of the residence, where it
took fire. Her roasted corpse was found near the bed. Arms clenched in
fists due to her tendons shrinking from the heat. Dead on Arrival. |
Magda Cupisti - Fire investigators tell us
the fire that killed this young woman started from a portable heater. The
heater was placed on a bed, near the back of the residence, where it took
fire. Her roasted corpse was found in the living room. Arms clenched in
fists due to her tendons shrinking from the heat. Dead on Arrival. |
Hospital Sister - Shot in the right eye after
asking a man to extinguish his cigarette. The bullet passed through the
eye socket causing fragments of the skull to be dragged through her brain,
causing additional damage. No other injuries discovered during autopsy.
Death was instant. Dead on Arrival. |
Hospital Doctor - Bullet fragments taken from
the wall show the murder weapon used to kill this doctor was the same used
in the above case. The doctors last patient was being prepared to be taken
off life support when he was killed. No other injured found on this victim.
Death was instant. Dead on Arrival. |
Stanza Franco Nurse - Shot in the upper right
section of the cranium. Same weapon used as the above two victims. Autopsy
shows this woman was in the early stages of pregnancy. The fetus died approximately
an hour after it's mothers death. No other injuries discovered. Dead on
Arrival. |