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         When a young couple find themselves stranded in the isolated community of Gatlin, Nebraska, they discover that all of the town's adults have been slaughtered by a religious cult of twisted children who worship a mysterious cornfield deity. Can these adults escape the fanatical wrath of these adolescent zealots, or will they become the next blood sacrifices to 'He Who Walks Behind The Rows?'

"Don't just stand there! Seize him! Punish him! I am the giver of his laws! Disobedience to me is disobedience to him! Do it now or your punishment shall be a thousand times a thousand deaths! Each more horrible than the last!"
                   - Isaac

          In my opinion this is a great film and here's why: Even before we see anything we feel that the score will be of great importance in this film. Aside from a slightly electronic new wave 80's score provided by Jonathan Elias the film is also scored by a children's choir appropriate and both chilling in tandem with the events that occur on-screen and with the theme of the film. 
          Like in many horror films we begin in flashback to prior event that led to current unusual circumstances with voice over narration of Job who is the older brother of Sarah. Throughout the film these two are involved in simple activities which are banned under the cults rules but because of Sarah's gift they generally are allowed to do what they wish. What separates this film from most of the 80's is that it's not necessarily focused on gore. We get dead bodies and the after-effect of the massacres. The obsession of needing to see the blade or bullet whatever it may be pierce the skin is absolutely eliminated and the result is even more frightening.
          Joseph, a child displeased with the ways Isaac has placed upon the town of Gatlin, tries to escape but he is caught. All we see when he dies is a few drops of blood falling on a suitcase he was going to take with him on the road. Film should be looked at as a medium that is at times binding to the imagination. When any director, Fritz Kiersch in this instance, allows the audience to imagine what may have been done to these people it deserves notice. Another example of this is the massacre three years prior that kicks off the film. We hear a mother's death over the phone and see a father's blood splatter over his son's face. A lot of what makes this film great is the mounting tension that is created when we see these two trying to get around this seemingly abandoned town.
          One of the most effective techniques Kiersch used to heighten tension while the film was progressing was the use of shots from an anonymous yet subjective POV... after we knew the children were already out to get them. There's a shot through broken glass that's been stained brown, a shot of someone peering over a garbage can, low-angle shots of the corn when Joseph's being chased. He also employed time to his advantage because the young couple does not enter the town of Gatlin where all the horrors will occur until the 39th minute of the film and even following their arrival things creep along slowly. There is a great use of wide-angle shots throughout to demonstrate the emptiness of the town also.
          The audio and visual effects of this film are absolutely breathtaking. There's a great use of what appears to be time lapse footage coupled with the audio affect of gushing wind to signify the wrath of God. Near the conclusion of the film we hear the greatest demonic voices in the history of film (In my humble opinion). It's deep, raspy and frightening without going overboard. And just when the most psychotic of all the town's children is going to walk away from this, Isaac speaks to him in that voice and delivers a line that helps make the terror unfold: "He wants you too, Malachi. He wants you too." The escalating horror of the climax continues when there is a gorgeous fiery apparition in the sky and later an obviously processed flame beneath it which we assume is supernatural but to say more would be giving it away.
          A masterpiece that is a must see for Stephen King fans and also for fans of the possesion/demonic genre.

Cast & Crew   |   Pictures  |   Coroner Report
Video Clip   |   Trailer

          - On the dashboard of Burt and Vicki's car is a copy of Night Shift, the Stephen King short story collection in which Children of the Corn originally appeared.

          - 100% of Children of the Corn was filmed in Iowa.

          - When Burt is at the crossroads in the car and he stops and complains about having just passed a sign to Gatlain, the director and crew are reflected in the side of the car.

          - In the original theatrical trailer, Stephen King's name is misspelt as "Steven".

          - Just after Burt's car hits the boy, it skids to a halt, but the tire marks are in front of the car.

          - Children of the Corn was created on a budget of $3,000,000... the film ended up making $14,600,000 in the theaters.

          - In the original ending of the story Linda Hamilton's character Vicki was killed by the children. She joined "the blue man" on a cross and had her eyes cut out.

          - Children of the Corn was released on March 9, 1984 in the USA.

          - Linda Hamilton was also working on The Terminator while filming COTC.




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