Where else can you read about puking, s&m and dumpster babies in one quick swoop?
Monday, January 14th 2008
Happy New Year! I realize the Princess is delivering a belated Happy New Year greeting to all of her Flesh Farm readers out there. I apologize. I had a bit of a nutty holiday season (including a nasty stomach virus that cursed me and my siblings with the pukes all Christmas night) and I’m just now getting back into the swing of things. January has been my catch up and make some contacts month.
I’m planning on having something fun up next month with artist Bryan Barnes (www.bryan-barnes.com). This morbidly awesome artist is showing his work at a Hollywood gallery on Valentine’s Day as part of an S&M exhibit. Did someone say S&M on Valentine’s Day? Sign me up. Immediately. I’m salivating over here. Just glancing at his work conjures up enough disturbing images in my mind to fuel months of nightmares. I love it.
2008 should be a good year for all things creative. I’m hoping to talk to another artist, but I don’t want to jinx the interview by mentioning names right now. I’ll be scouring the calendars for events and, of course, searching for an appropriate musical act to interview.
I realized that I’ve started out the year a bit angry. Maybe I need to just let a little of it off of my ample chest by saying a little fuck you to Troma Films for being so shitty. That’s right, apparently the episode of Roadside Killer I acted in wasn’t accepted into their piss poor festival, Tromadance. Some of you might think I’m just ranting because I was in the film and am bitter. Nah, that’s not exactly it. That’s part of it, sure. But I’m sure most of you know of Troma Films. I’m thinking that because Roadside Killer looks about 300 times better than most of the trash they put out, they couldn’t make themselves look bad by showing our good looking little film. Whatever, Troma, keep making your lame I- wouldn’t-watch-it-if-it-was-the-last-film-on-earth-little-crack-baby-in-a-dumpster films and I’m sure some chumps will watch them.
I’m going to switch over to something a little more positive now. Can you believe I’ve been photographer Douglas Brooker’s model since the end of 2005? The picture in this column is one of his most recent. Go to his site at www.douglasbrooker.com for more information on his work.
Everyone have a great year and keep on bleeding…
Princess J