I Love Me Some Fango…and, Autopsies, of course!
Tuesday, May 22nd 2007

Holy Shit. What just happened? Not really sure, but I spent a whirlwind
of a day at Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors on Saturday. When I got there
at 1PM, all decked out in my special beanie, the hotel was out of parking.
In fact, the attendant made sure I knew that parking had been unavailable
since11AM that day, like it was my fault or something. Psh. I ended up
parking not too far away and trekking in my semi-high shoes back to the
Burbank Marriott for the extravaganza.
The weekend of horror actually started on Friday with vendors, panels,
and the Shock N’Roll Spooktacular. Not sure exactly what I missed, but
I believe it included music and a fashion show. To me, Saturday was the
most important day because that was the day that Unhinged Cinema’s first Roadside
Killer episode screened in the Producer’s room. And I was surprised
to find out the trailer for episode two was finished….and it screened!
Ahhhh, I have many fond memories of being tied to a pole with Christmas
lights (if you don’t know that I’m in episode 2, I’m sure you could
have used reasoning to figure it out – also, scroll below to find the picture
with me, blood, and intestines to read all about the experience). The screening
happened in the evening, so I had all day to play around, socialize, and
visit the panels. (See the trailer below!)
My favorite vendors included the very welcoming guys from the band, Dead
by Day (thanks for the hookup, Ralis!), the Grindhouse Festival, Girls
and Corpses Magazine, 1-800 Autopsy, and Coffin Case, who had the awesome
performer Murrugun the Mystic putting on shows, which, subsequently blocked
traffic in the walkway. But, seriously, who’s not going to stop and watch
a guy swallow one, two and then three swords. Before the big swallows he
ate glass and pulled a piece of twine out of his abdomen. And after, he
put skewers through his flesh. How awesome is that? Apparently this entertaining
fellow will be traveling with Brothers Grim Sideshow on the Warped Tour
this summer through the US and Canada. I suggest you check him out. Glass
eating is all the rage!
I really enjoyed my time with 1-800 Autopsy founder Vidal Herrera. His
booth was located in a great traffic spot, so I sat on his cow skin covered
couch and did my fair share of people watching. He tried to get me to wear
a 1-800 Autopsy thong but I argued that it just attracted attention to
my crotch. And I’d prefer it if people don’t stare at my crotch. My breasts—fine:
my crotch-- not so much. We discussed me driving out to his facility to
see what he has going on there. I’ve never seen an autopsy, so I’m intrigued.
In the midst of my wandering, I met and got a photo with Feast director
John Gulager. At the end of the day, before the vendors closed up shop
and after I’d wandered around looking at and fingering all the merchandise,
I sat with Brian at the Grindhouse booth for some good conversation. In
that time, some guy came up and told me I was gorgeous and someone viewed
a Hot Potato/Enter the Dragon double feature poster. Which made
me realize that I really need some sort of Bruce Lee poster to put in my
lair. What a fuckin’ badass that guy was!

Saturday’s panels included Hostel, Part II, Fangoria Comics, Cabin
Fever 2, Borderland, Horror Composers, Halloween, and
my panel of choice, the Hatchet panel. Writer/director Adam Green,
star Kane Hodder, actors Joel David Moore, Tamara Feldman, and the, always
wonderful, Tony Todd, amongst others, chatted about the upcoming slasher
flick. Just hearing Tony’s voice makes me squeal with delight! They showed
some footage that made me drool a bit. I’m hungry for a decent slasher
flick. The film is supposed to come out in September. I’ll just have to
wait patiently with my legs crossed until then.
Even though I can’t say I’m all that excited for the new Halloween to come out, it was pretty cool to see and hear Rob Zombie talk. I’ve always
been a fan.
Sunday also had panels but I was too tired from the day before to rock
it on back to the Marriott. Thora Birch and Clive Barker were a couple
of the featured guests on the last day of the convention.
Films screened in the Producer’s room over the course of the entire weekend.
I wish I could have caught some of them but I was too busy being a, well,
busybody. Next year, my friends, next year! The crowd for The Roadside
Killer was enthusiastic and all of the cast and crew were psyched to
see their work onscreen. I ended the night in the restaurant watching the
group I was with eat delicious desserts and other foodstuffs.
Already looking forward to next year! Maybe I’ll even have a new beanie
by then!
I’m also looking forward to my Memorial Day Weekend Flesh Farm powwow with
the Butcher and Anthony. That’s right, the Butcher is leaving the Farm
and coming to visit the rest of the small but tight Flesh Farm family!
Chaos will ensue. I most certainly guarantee it.
