The End of Summer and Beginning of Gun Season
Sunday, September 14th 2008

It’s been so long since we’ve last spoken. Yes, it’s true…I’ve taken a bit of a break, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you or think about you anymore. You’re always on my mind! I’ve just been busy these past few months. Busy plotting the rest of my life, that’s all. Check out the above picture courtesy of Monny’s Mortuary. It’s me at my sexiest! Now imagine the smell of fresh maggot perfume and that’s exactly how I smell. You like that? Ah, you’re all sick.
I’m plotting a trip to the Los Angeles Gun Club next month. My friend Tyler recently accompanied me to the Burbank Shooting Range but because of some issues with him pointing a gun at both the man behind the counter and yours truly, we were told we could not shoot. Once he learns how to appropriately handle a gun, we will go a little closer to home and I will then write about it. This promises to be a tad more exciting than our trip to Sizzler and a whole helluva lot more exciting than our future plans for going to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 whilst totally trashed.
I want to give a big shout out and hearty congratulations to all of my Roadside Killer cast and crew friends. Episode 2 will be shown as part of the Sacramento Horror Film Festival October 17-19 at the Colonial Theatre! Way to go Unhinged Cinema! Go to www.sachorrorfilmfest.com for more details. I’m hoping to make the trip up there.
If I don’t happen to get up there in time, I may visit the Spike TV SCREAM awards that take place the same weekend.
Also coming up is the annual Shriekfest Film Festival October 2-5 in Hollywood. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend this year. I had a lot of fun last year and recommend it to anyone in the LA area. Go to www.shriekfest.com for more details.
If you’re feeling kinky, come see me read at the next Feminine Oddities event, Jacque! Jacqueline! I’ll be reading a piece entitled Weekly Dress-up. Please go to their site for all the delectable details. www.feminineoddities.com.
Talk to you soon…