Lorian Stutick - This
young girl was found in front of her house mutilated and left for dead.
Autopsy shows multiple hairline fractures, a cracked rib and blunt force
trauma to the head. Death caused by massive blood loss and brain damage.
Closed-casket funeral is expected. This death is still under investigation.
Dead on Arrival. |
Georgie Elmer Denbrough - Found
laying face down in a street gutter near his families residence. Right
arm is missing, forensics show the attacker ripped it right out of it's
socket. No other injuries apparent besides some scratches on the skin due
to the struggle. This death is also still under investigation. Dead on
Arrival. |
Velma Daniels - Not
much is known about this case. This young girls corpse was found by a farmer
near the local water canal. Apart from her exposed internal organs she
seems to have little, if any, other injuries. From the recent stint of
local child murders, I suspect a serial killer might be on the loose and
have informed police. Dead on Arrival. |
Greco - Due to the fact
that this young mans body was never found... it makes this investigation
nearly impossible. Children that witnessed the attack report this man was
attacked by a clown that was stalking him. Besides this somewhat unbelievable
information, little is known. Investigators are still searching for the
body. |
Belch - Police report
that witnesses saw this young man pulled through a severed air duct pipe
and bent in half from the chest down. Although the body was never recovered...
it's safe to say that this man is dead. The injuries described by witnesses
coincide with other cases in which the victim was killed. Still under investigation. |
Stanley Uris - After
receiving a call from an old childhood friend, Mr. Uris decided to end
his life. His wife reported no suspicious activity until his corpse was
found in the upstairs bathtub with his wrists deeply slashed. Before the
blood-loss caused him him go unconscious, Mr. Uris managed to write the
word "IT" on the tile. Dead on Arrival. |
Henry Bowers - Having
escaped from a local psychiatric hospital, Henry Bowers tracked down an
old school mate and attempted to kill him. While attacking the man with
a short-bladed knife, Mr. Bowers gets the weapon jammed into his ribcage.
The wound punctured his liver which soon caused him to bleed to death.
Dead on Arrival. |
Daniel Huckston - While
playing in a creek near her home, this victim was severely mutilated
and thrown into a ditch. Police found her corpse the following day and
started a murder investigation. Not much is known about this child or her
murder. All that can be confirmed is that the mutilation was the worst
seen so far. Dead on Arrival. |
Eddie Kaspbrak - Injuries on this corpse are
focused mainly on the chest region. The chest seems to have been crushed
by a large pinching type structure which caused his death. With his ribcage
nearly flattened, he could not get sufficient oxygen into his lungs. Police
refuse to close this case until more evidence is found. Dead on Arrival. |
Pennywise the Dancing Clown - Witnesses
report that after getting a silver earring thrust into his chest
he tried to escape back to the cave in which he was living. In route, he
was cut off by the remaining four pursuers and his heart was ripped from
his mangled body. Body was never found and it's likely it will stay that
way. |