Johnnie - Sources say this middle-aged man
was attacked while visiting the grave of his late mother. The assailant
is said to be a white male that was said to look "more dead than alive."
Puncture wound to the left hand, evidence of a blow to the lower jaw and
multiple spinal fractures. Body is rumored to have been burned in a massive
bonfire. |
Cousin Satchel - Shot himself in the head
after his father attempted to kill, and eat, him. Body found on 2nd floor
of his home with his right arm bitten off below the elbow. Bullet hole
fired under chin and exited through the right cranium. (.22) Lower left
arm found wrapped in a floor rug in the front yard. Dead on Arrival. |
Tom Rogers - Witnesses report this man was
attempting to unlock a gas pump when he decided to take a faster route
and fire at the lock. The bullet ricocheted, gas ignited, and that was
the end of him. Body is burnt beyond recognition with multiple teeth marks
spread across the corpse. Dead on Arrival. |
Judy Rose - Body also charred beyond recognition
but dental records show that this is the girlfriend of the above victim.
Evidence shows that she was sitting at a 9 o'clock angle from Tom when
the fuel was ignited. Large piece of stainless steel from the pump was
found lodged in her right leg. Dead on Arrival. |
Sarah Cooper - Bitten on the arm by one of
the radio-active dead. Because of the lack of knowledge on these walking
corpses, we do not know if some type of disease was transferred in the
bite or if her brittle body just collapsed under the pressure. One gunshot
wound to the skull and later burned in the fire pit. |
Helen Cooper - Massive bite wound to the right
neck/jugular. Dental caparisons to the bite wound indicates her own daughter
Sarah as the culprit. Similar to her daughter, a gunshot wound to her forehead
is apparent. Bruises found spread across the body indicates extreme spousal
abuse. Dead on Arrival. |
Ben Hanser - Sources report that this man
was involved in a gun fight and shot in the chest... later died of blood
loss in the farmhouse cellar. The next morning hunters found him there
and shot him three times... right shoulder, right mandible, and upper forehead.
Body then thrown into the fire pit. No body found. |
Harry Cooper - Shot twice in the stomach by
the above victim then managed to hide in the farmhouse attic. Next morning
he was shot in the face for being such a fucking asshole. Other injuries
include lacerations to the lower arms, abrasions to the hands and minor
bruises to the face. Body cremated in giant bonfire. |