Paul Shnider - 46 year old male found at least
three weeks after his death. Death caused by massive blood loss mainly
through the femoral artery. Cuts from razor-wire were so deep that investigators
found traces of stomach acid on the floor beneath him. This bizarre scene
marks the first of a string of murders. Dead on Arrival. |
Mark Pontious - Found naked and burnt to death
in a cold damp room which was strewn with broken glass. A recorder found
at the scene indicated that this man had a slow acting poison in his system
and the cure was in the safe also found in the room. He had one candle
and was cover in a flammable substance. Dead on Arrival. |
John Reccore - Found with the stomach removed
and dissected. Blood tests show this man was injected with an overdose
of opiates and was still conscious when he was killed. A witness reports
that a key was in his stomach and she had to retrieve it in order to save
her own life. No other injuries found. Dead on Arrival. |
Detective Steven Sing - A brilliant trap was
set that ultimately ended this officers life. A trip wire was set and blended
with spider webs... when the officer walked through it the trip wire set
off six double-barrel shotguns above his head. Brain matter can be seen
from the head wound and multiple shots also in the chest. Dead on Arrival. |
Detective David Tapp - This veteran of the
Law Enforcement community was found shot to death deep in the sewer lines
below 72nd Street. Some believed this man went insane after his partner
was killed by the infamous "Jigsaw Killer." The bullet entered through
the chest and punctured multiple internal organs. Dead on Arrival. |
Zep Hindle - Low caliber gunshot wound found
to his left torso. Main cause of death was multiple blunt force trauma
wounds to the head and upper chest. Weapon is suspected to be a toilet
cover that was found near the corpse. Skull has been crushed to the point
of brain matter being exposed. Dead on Arrival. |
Dr. Lawrence Gordon - This mans corpse was
found in the hallways of a rundown sewer system. Death caused due to massive
bleeding from his amputated right foot. Following the trail of blood police
discovered a morbid scene of death and dementia. Along with his foot they
found two other bodies. Dead on Arrival. |
Adam - It's apparent that this young man had
died from being strangled. Autopsy showed trace evedence of thin plastic
which was used as the murder weapon. Police report he was found chained
to a pipe with a gunshot wound to the right shoulder. Although he bled
extensively... this did not kill him. Dead on Arrival. |