Jacob Newman - Neighbors told police they heard this man and his wife arguing for approximately 2 hours before they heard the gunshot. Both barrels of the shotgun were discharged into the victims upper chest causing massive bleeding and cutting off vital blood supply to the brain. His wife has been arrested and charges with 2nd degree murder. Dead on arrival. |
Bob Mack - Found bound by the wrists and ankles, face down in a bowl of Clayton Spaghetti with t he word "Gluttony" written in grease. Autopsy shows lines of distention across the duodenum and the internal wall of his stomach ripped open. This indicates he was force fed until his stomach burst. Dead on arrival. |
Eli Gould - A well known defense attorney, this victim was found in his office with the word "Greed" written on the floor in blood. Near the body, a scale was found with 1 pound of the victims flesh resting in the right dish. A clue left by the killer confirmed the victim himself was forced to remove the flesh. Dead on arrival. |
Theador Allen - After detectives discovered the words "Help Me" in the victims fingerprints, the SWAT team raided his apartment where they found him in extremely poor health. For one year the victim had been kept alive with an array of drugs. "Sloth" was found written on the wall in fecal matter. Victim later died from severe brian damage and organ failure. |
Cat Mueller - Corpse found in a whore house with massive injuries to the internal organs. Witnesses report the killer held a gun inside one mans mouth and ordered him to have sexual intercourse with the hooker while wearing a custom made steel penis. The device penetrated the vaginal wall causing massive internal bleeding and fecal matter to enter the blood stream. The word "Lust" was inscribed into the door. Dead on arrival. |
Heidi Schanz - This woman was found with extreme mutilation to the face, including the removal of her nose. The killer glued a bottle of sleeping pills to her left hand and a telephone to the other. She had the choice to call for help or commit suicide because she would be permanently disfigured. She chose death. The word "Pride" was written in blood above the bed. Dead on arrival. |
Tracy Mills - Neighbors reported seeing a man enter the victims apartment around 12:25 PM. It was later discovered that the unknown man had decapitated the pregnant woman and escaped with her head. He then packaged it into a box and paid a mail carrier $500 to deliver it outside of town. Victim dead on arrival. |
John Doe - Shot and killed by Detective Mills after discovering the brutal murder of his wife and unborn child. Victim was killed instantly after the first bullet entered through the front of the skull. Victim was then shot 5 times in the abdomen and chest. Detective Mills was found not guilty due to temporary insanity. Dead on arrival. |