John Lawrence - This man was one of the leading
members of the resistance fighters. His face was well known across Los
Angeles as being the "mysterious man who would fade in and out of television
programs." His badly beaten body was found near the church which housed
their headquarters. Dead on Arrival. |
Reverend Jacques - Witnesses saw this elderly
preacher being beaten by police officers, along with the above victim.
Autopsy shows massive internal bleeding was caused by the beating and skull
fractures are also apparent. The fact that this man was blind makes this
murder especially cold. Dead on Arrival. |
2 Alley Police Officers (extra-terrestrial) - Both
bodies found in an alley way, adjacent to Ridge Valley Bank. Autopsies
show a single gunshot wound to each officer, one through the upper right
chest and the other to the center chest. One officer was missing his hand-gun,
it's assumed this was used as the murder weapon. Dead on Arrivals. |
5 Bank Employees (extra-terrestrial) - All
five victims were found with massive damage to the internal organs, sustained
from shotgun blasts. Witnesses reported a white man entered the bank with
a shotgun and said something about, "chewing bubble gum and kicking ass."
He then began shooting. All dead on arrival. |
16 Resistance Members - The majority of deaths
were caused by automatic gunfire and shotgun blasts. These wounds caused
instant death in most cases but some would have inevitably suffered from
slow internal bleeding. Four victims were found with burns and blunt-force
trauma, indicating an explosion. All died on the scene. |
21 S.W.A.T. Officers (extra-terrestrial) - Deaths
caused from an array of different firearms. The local resistance fighters
were stockpiling weapons in an attempt to revolt. The survivors from the
headquarters raid grabbed what weapons they could and returned fire. The
noted deaths soon followed. All dead on arrival. |
8 Cable 54 Employees (extra-terrestrial) - Witnesses
told authorities two men entered the studio and began firing. One told
police, "It seemed they were choosing certain people to kill." This was
later found to be true. All victims killed by automatic gunfire. No other
information at this time. All dead on arrival. |
Frank Richardson - Body found one floor below
the roof of the Cable 54 building. A gunshot wound to the head, entering
through the right side of the skull, caused instant death. Powder burns,
or stippling, was found surrounding the wound, indicating a point-blank,
execution style murder. Dead on Arrival. |
Holly Thompson - This woman's charred remains
were located after the local fire department responded to a fire on the
Cable 54 skyscraper. Autopsy shows the cause of death was from a single
gunshot wound to the chest. The explosions from the fire that followed
nearly incinerated her limbs. Dead on Arrival. |
Nada - Death caused by a massive explosion
on top of the Cable 54 skyscraper. Soot found in the lungs shows he was
alive for a short while before being consumed by the flames. Seven gunshot
wounds were also found to the lower abdomen, presumably from automatic
gun fire. Body badly burned. Dead on Arrival. |